Celebrate Your Pup on These International Pet Holidays!

If you're like us, you don't need a reason to celebrate your dog every day! Still, it's important to pay attention to these special events, as they inspire important conversation around dog safety, happiness and education.

You may have heard about a few of these from social media, but we're betting you don't know them all! So here it is: the ultimate list of international dog-related holidays!

Golden Retriever in Shell Yeah reversible harness.

January Dog Holidays

All Month

  • Train Your Dog Month
    An important event for anyone bringing a dog into their lives, this month is all about teaching pups to be on their best behaviour by making training an everyday activity. You'll find plenty of tutorials online to help!
  • Unchain a Dog Month
    Created to encourage people to bring their dog indoors for winter, it's now an international day of awareness. Dogs deserve to be able to strut their stuff!
  • Walk Your Pet Month
    Celebrate the physical and psychological benefits of a summer stroll with your pup! Maybe the occasion calls for a new harness?

Special Days

  • January 2nd - Pet Travel Safety Day
    We all want the best for our pets. That's why it's so important to understand how to protect both you and them when travelling.
  • January 14th - Dress Up Your Pet Day
    A cute and fun celebration of your pup's personality designed to support the pet fashion community.
  • January 24th - Change a Pet's Life Day
    A special day to hold our pets tight and think about how we could make their lives better. Is it time to take them to the vet for a routine checkup? Do they need a new bed? This is the day to take action!
  • January 29th: Seeing Eye Guide Dog Anniversary
    If you've read our blog on the five famous dogs who made the world a better place, you know the incredible story of Buddy and the Seeing Eye Dog Program. In 2022, the program will celebrate its 93rd year.

February Dog Holidays

All Month

  • Dog Training Education Month
    This one's for all the dogs with a cheeky streak. This month is all about teaching old dogs new tricks in order to improve their behaviour.
  • Pet Dental Health Month
    It's easy to learn how to take care of your fur-baby's fangs. Give it a go!
  • Responsible Pet Owners Month
    This holiday exists to raise awareness of what it means to be a responsible pet owner, and what you can do to make sure other pet owners you know are being responsible as well.

Special Days

  • February 3rd - Golden Retriever Day
    What needs to be said?
  • February 3rd - Doggy Date Night
    Take the night to do something fun and different with your dog to show how much you love them!
  • February 14th - Pet Theft Awareness Day
    A day designed to educate us on how best to protect their animals from being taken.
  • February 19th - International Tug-of-War Day
    Technically, this is a holiday for humans... but come on!
  • February 20th - Love Your Pet Day
    Of all the events on this list, this is the one we don't need to be reminded about.
  • February 23rd - International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day
    I don't think we have to appreciate them personally, but our dogs sure will!
  • February 23rd - World Spay Day
    A day that recognises the benefits of desexing pets for their health and happiness.
AmbassaDOG Sam in Zoomies no-pull adjustable harness.


March Dog Holidays

Week-long Events

  • The first full week of March - Professional Pet Sitters Week
    A week not only to say thanks to the people who care for our pups when we can't, but to help people pick a suitable sitter.

Special Days

  • March 3rd - If Pets Had Thumbs Day
    A silly, and yet somewhat scary thought!
  • March 13th - K9 Veterans Day
    A special celebration of the dogs who worked hard to make the world a safer place for all of us.
  • March 23rd - Puppy Day
    Educating the world on the safe and responsible way to adopt animals though the cuteness of puppy pics!
  • March 30th - Take a Walk in the Park Day
    Technically designed to reconnect humans with nature, we think every walk is better with a dog at our side.

Bulldog in Think Pretty Thoughts reversible harness.

April Dog Holidays

All Month

  • Canine Fitness Month
    A good reminder, as the days start getting cooler, to keep our pups active!
  • National Adopt a Greyhound Month
    While this is a US event, we think greyhounds always deserve a bit of special attention.
  • National Pet Month
    Another national day not related to our country (this time it's the UK), but we think it's worth celebrating all the same.
  • Pet First Aid Awareness Month
    An important reminder to be prepared in case of a pet-related emergency.

Week-long Events

  • April 1st to 7th - International Pooper Scooper Week
    A week to acknowledge the potential health risks of not cleaning up after your dog. May we recommend one of our Deja Poo waste bags?
  • April 1st to 7th - Raw Feeding Week
    Interested in starting your dog on a raw feed diet? This is a great time to start.
  • April 11th to 17th - Animal Care and Control Appreciation Week
    Designed to promote and celebrate professionals across the industry.
  • April 17th to 24th - Dog Bite Prevention Week
    Inspiring awareness of how to minimise the risk of dog bites.
  • April 17th to 24th - Pet ID Week
    A friendly reminder of the importance of ID tags and microchips to get your pup home quickly if they go missing.

Special Days

  • April 3rd - Every Day is Tag Day
    While this day is designed to educate us about the importance of ID tags, we're sure our dogs would love to play tag every day!
  • April 10th - Hug Your Dog Day
    Hugging your dog releases 'the cuddle hormone' oxytocin in both you and your fur-baby! It shows that you love them.
  • April 11th - Celebrate Shelter Pups Day
    A day to acknowledge the special pups too often forgotten.
  • April 11th - Dog Therapy Appreciation Day
    April 11th is also an acknowledgement of the clever canines who make the lives of many easier.
  • April 18th - Pet Owners Independence Day
    The one day a year pet owners get to lie on the cuddle bud bed while the dog takes care of the chores. Yep. It's a thing.
  • April 21st - Bulldogs are Beautiful Day
    Celebrating the day bulldogs were officially recognised by dog breeders way back in 1886.
  • April 24th - World Veterinary Day
    A day to honour the special people who take care of our animals when they need it most.
  • April 25th - National Pet Parents Day
    A recognition of the special relationship between families and their fur-babies.
  • April 26th - Kids and Pets Day
    Raising awareness of how kids and pets can best get along.
  • April 27th - Little Pampered Dog Day
    Take the time to treat your dog... as if you need an excuse!
  • April 28th - International Guide Dog Day
    A day of education and celebration of these magnificent pups.

AmbassaDOG Bertie on Shell Yeah cuddle bud dog bed.

May Dog Holidays

All Month

  • Foster Care Month
    If you've considered fostering, May is the perfect time for it!
  • Million Paws Walk
    This RSPCA event is one of our favourites of the year. Visit the site to pre-register.
  • Pet Cancer Awareness Month
    Learn how to look for signs of illness in your animals.
  • Responsible Animal Guardian Month
    An important reminder that we are the guardians of our pets, not their owners.

Week-long Events

  • May 2nd to 8th - Dog Anxiety Awareness Week
    Designed to help people spot signs of anxiety or stress in their dogs.

Special Days

  • May 1st - Purebred Dog Day
    A day to celebrate the heritage of purebred pups!
  • The first Sunday of May - Mayday for Mutts
    Because why shouldn't mixed breeds be celebrated as well?
  • May 3rd - Specially-abled Pets Day
    A day for the dogs who may not get around as easily as others, but are still filled with love and friendship.
  • May 8th -  Dog Mum's Day
    Shout out to all the fur-mamas out there!
  • May 14th - International Chihuahua Appreciation Day
    What started as a day to celebrate a single Chihuahua turned into an international day for these little pups with big personalities.
  • May 20th - Rescue Dog Day
    An important day to acknowledge all the good that comes from rescuing a dog in need.

June Dog Holidays

Week-long Events

  • June 6th to 12th - Pet Appreciation Week
    Spend the week giving your pet some special TLC!

Special Days

  • June 8th - Best Friends Day
    Celebrate the ones that make your heart smile, no matter what form they take!
  • June 8th - World Pet Memorial Day
    A day to reflect on the incredible animals that have made our lives so much richer.
  • June 21st - Dog Party Day
    Grab your pup and their four-legged friends, then celebrate the day in style!

Golden Retriever in Think Pretty Thoughts - Bouquet Soft Collar and Lead.

July Dog Holidays

All Month

  • Pet Hydration Awareness Month
    Based around summer in the northern hemisphere, it's an important reminder to keep our pups hydrated and safe from the sun.

Special Days

  • July 21st - No Pet Store Puppies Day
    An important reminder to carefully consider where you're getting your new puppy from.
  • July 26th - Dog Photography Day
    A day to share as many dog photos online as you possibly can! There's no such thing as too many!
  • July 30th - International Friendship Day
    An international celebration of friendship, no matter where we find it.

August Dog Holidays

All Month

Week-long Events

  • August 2nd to 8th - International Assistance Dog Week
    Because we can never recognise the hard work and devotion of these incredible dogs.

Special Days

  • August 5th - Work Like a Dog Day
    Take inspiration from our furry friends and spend today pushing yourself towards an important goal.
  • August 10th - Spoil Your Dog Day
    The early days of spring is the perfect time to treat your pup to some new accessories. Check out some of our favourite springtime designs here.
  • August 23rd - International Blind Dog Day
    A day to encourage people across the world to adopt a blind dog.

AmbassaDOGs Jessie and Holly in Daisy Baby Reversible Harnesses.

September Dog Holidays

All Month

  • Animal Pain Awareness Month
    Animals instinctively try to hide when they're in pain. This month is all about learning to look for signs that your dog may need to visit the vet.
  • Service Dog Month
    A time to show appreciation for the dogs who step up to support those of us most in need.

Week-long Events

  • September 12th to 18th - Adopt a Less-Adoptable Pet Week
    There's no such thing as a dog unworthy of love. Let them know it by adopting a 'less-adoptable' pup this week.
  • September 19th to 25th - Deaf Pet Awareness Week
    A week spent highlighting the incredible capablities and pawsonalities of dogs without hearing.

Special Days

  • September 8th - Dog Walker Appreciation Day
    Take the time to thank those people who keep our dogs happy and healthy when we can't.
  • September 12th - Hug Your Hound Day
    Despite the name, all breeds are eligible for a cuddle today!
  • September 25th - World's Largest Pet Walk
    An annual fundraiser celebrating the health benefits of staying active for both humans and their fur-babies.

October Dog Holidays

All Month

  • Pit Bull Awareness Month
    This important event encourages society to break down breed stereotypes through education.

Week-long Events

  • First full week of October - Animal Welfare Week
    A week of education regarding what to do if you come across an animal in need of support.

Special Days

  • October 1st - Fire Pup Day
    Celebrating dogs that have worked alongside firefighters, and encouraging people to adopt dogs saved from fires.
  • October 1st - Black Dog Day
    Black dogs are often the last to be adopted. This is a day all about proving these dark-coated pups are filled with light!
  • October 4th - World Animal Day
    A day focused on making the world a better place by raising the status of animals near and far.
  • October 13th - Pet Obesity Awareness Day
    Learn about the risks associated with dog obesity and what to do if your pup starts putting on weight.

Cute dog in Dreamy Days / Pick of the Bunch reversible dog harness.

November Dog Holidays

All Month

  • Adopt a Senior Pet Month
    Give a beautiful older dog the home they deserve in time for Christmas!

Special Days

  • November 1st - Cook for Your Pets Day
    Why not cook up a fancy feast for your four-legged friends?

December Dog Holidays

Special Days

  • December 2nd - Mutt Day
    The second special day for mixed breeds on the calendar. Who said one is enough?


  • Maddy

    Oo we like the sound of cool for your pup day ! But isn’t that everyday hehe

  • Maddy

    Oo we like the sound of cool for your pup day ! But isn’t that everyday hehe

  • Jo

    Thank you for featuring my beautiful Sam x

  • Sherron

    We loved this blog – we had no idea there were so many special days just for us! We’ve marked so many of these days on our calendar so we can celebrate them! Thanks for sharing these wonderful days!

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